humility lesson


humility lesson 2

There but for the Grace of God go I.

How often have I thought this when witnessing another person’s misfortune or suffering? Grace keeps me humble. Grace is also foundational to my ability to work at the bedside in hospice. God’s Grace has allowed me good health, physical strength, and a heart for hospice.

Last week I was providing late-night care to a woman who is near the end of her battle with her disease. She’s near the end of her battle with a life that I will never know. A life of poverty, drug abuse, prejudice, and pain. As I was gently providing care it occurred to me that this woman and I were the same age, born in the same country, less than 100 miles apart. How could it be that my life has been so rich with blessings, and her life has been….this? How the hell does this happen? Why her? Why not me?

And then I realized Grace has not kept me humble. Every time I’ve said “there but for the Grace of God go I”, what I’ve really been saying is “oh thank God that’s not me”. That’s not humility. Humility is looking into another woman’s eyes as they look back at me with a combination of shame and gratitude and saying to myself “This could be me.”

Humility lesson received. Loud and clear.

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